✓ find out why you are slipping away
✓ improve your grip with 5x basic techniques
✓ learn to relax in Downward Facing Dog
✓ choose the right yoga mat for optimal grip
Yoga is about letting go. About letting your worries slide away like water off a duck’s back. But if you're getting into Down Dog, sliding on the yoga mat is the last thing you want. It makes you lose focus and it can even lead to injury (not everyone survives a spontaneous split). Don't worry, it happens to every yogi and there's a lot you can do about it!
~ you sweat a lot during intensive yoga styles and the yoga mat doesn’t absorb the moisture
~ you don't sweat enough, so your hands are too dry
~ you're not using the right techniques yet
~ you're not working from your inner (core) strength
~ a poor quality yoga mat
Fortunately, there are many things you can do to improve your grip and not slip away. Minimal adjustments, such as subtle tightening of certain muscles, can already make a big difference.
~ distribute your weight more evenly
~ activate your bandhas
~ execute transitions more slowly and deliberately
~ use the right yoga mat